Thursday, June 17, 2010

In the Sutdio 6-15, 16 and 17 2010

Hide Glue texture on water color paper
These past few days I have been able to find a good chunk of each day to work in my studio.  I am still cleaning the pit (guess I should post a picture sooner or later) but after my 15-30 minutes of cleaning, I hit the work bench (which is really a nice swivel chair and card table).  No new works have been started but I have been setting up backgrounds for journal pages (that will translate into finished pages for my next journaling class).  My Collage Crate course was cancelled...only one person signed up.  I am hoping that the lack of interest was due to it being summer>vacations>family gatherings>graduation> sport events  etc...  I think that we will reschedule in the fall sometime.  I would be lying if I said it doesn't matter to me, it does, at least some.  I put a lot of time into that crate and was hoping to share it with everyone.  Oh well, I am moving on.  And that would be to the next journaling class.  I settled on 3-d textures for experimenting with on the journal pages and our written words will be about places we have visited (I include prompts for the written part).  While I do not have any finished pages, I have been playing with a variety of textures.  These include using corrugate, hide glue, cheese cloth, and light molding paste.  No finished pages yet but here is an example of the effect one gets with hide glue.  I spent the better part of Wednesday looking for this glue and finally found it at our local Ace hardware.  The folks at Home Depot had no clue what I was talking about.  That is really OK because I often don't know what I am talking about! it is and I just love the effect.  As I type this I am experimenting with a transfer followed by the addition of hide glue.  I should be able to share those results tomorrow.  I do know this...the paints I used for the result seen above are Golden fluid acrylics.  I have no idea if it will work with other acrylics so it is up to you, the reader, to take it on if you are not a Golden user. 

If you live in my area, I will be at a meet the artist reception at the Cafe Luna on Saturday the 19th from 2-4pm.  I am looking forward to it.



Undaunted said...

Ooh wow, lovely texture Kathy! I do love pieces with texture!

I'm sorry that you didn't have enough people sign up for your class. That must have been so disappointing after all your hard work. Like you say, maybe it was just the wrong time for a lot of people. I hope it will be a success for you later in the year.


Hi Kathy! Wow loving this texture can;t wait to see what you do with it. Sorry to hear about your class...hmmm maybe that means uhm a possible e-course instead? Now that's an idea! ♥

Healing Woman said...

I've never heard of hide glue but I love the texture you were able to obtain with it. Thanks for showing it really turned out great.

Kathy L said...


I guess I am just going with the flow :) And Ivy..I sent you an email :)