Friday, August 06, 2010

A Week Summary 8-6-10

My week has been filled with teens, period.  Registering for school, annual doctor appointment, buying school supplies, transporting to drop in dance classes (August is Colin and Claire's month off, ha ha), and finally transporting for summer end sleep overs and pool parties. I have to shake my head...when does it get less hectic...when I ask myself ?  I did manage to cross a few art related items off my very long list. I also was able to cross off other items that had to get done this week (ordering Kaitie's senior pictures for one)  Art related items did not include studio time and I am in need of a fix.  I had started two works the week before but they sit on my table.  Perhaps the most rewarding art related task that I accomplished was starting a write up for a class I hope I will be able to teach.  It is turning into a small thesis.  I made a major dent in the write up and so I am happy.  I need to get into the studio to experiment with some methods for putting this project together. 

On the found art front, I began a write up for an explanation of what found art is, to be placed with a work (to be left in the community soon).  I have that work for sale now on etsy, you can see it here:     
but I decided once the listing expires, I will leave the piece for someone to find.  I will detail its location via a picture of where it has been place and a few clues and then post on face book.  So those of you who follow, well if you are in the area, you have the best chance to find the work.  I think it will be fun. This work is special in that the photo is from my collection, circa 1946.  It is a relative (I never knew his name) and I call him John.  To me he looked pretty dapper in that fedora, hence the verbage.  The work is framed.

Finally, I had a really pleasant surprise today when I found out, through a tweet (thank you Rosa) that my blog is on a list for the best blogs on found art. .  I bet I can thank google for that and of course the good folks at Guide to Art Schools.  I am really excited at having been recognized.  It is nice when your words resonate with others.



Healing Woman said...

Just went to Etsy to check out your found art picture. I not only like what you did with it but I love the honest and open writing that you created for the description. You added a bit of family history (your mom's marriage date) and some imaginary history (John being in the mafia) This piece is sure to sell!

Jo said...

Gosh, yes summer holidays can be soooo manic!
Loved the description for your Etsy piece - its always fascinating thinking up stories behind unknown faces - its something I do alot when about and about too!!
Hugs xxx

Kathy L said...

THanks Cheryl and Jo. Can't wait to get back on the found art band wagon. It really is fun!