Friday, January 14, 2011

Quail study

Its almost been a week since I started Misty Mawn's Class.  I have to say that it is packed, I mean packed full of wonderful videos (how to), assignments, and prompts.  I am feeling stressed because well, I want to do it all but then there is something called life that gets in the way.  So because of my stress level, I have only been able to complete about one third of this weeks exercises.  So as a note to myself...relax kiddo you need to realize that it is impossible to keep up and begin to use your head more in terms of picking and choosing what will benefit you.  Relax kiddo, when it is not fun anymore, you need to be smart and pick those exercises that speak to you.  Relax kiddo, it won't be the end of the world if you don't post results every single day...Relax kiddo and breath....

So here I share another quail study.  Misty asked us to choose an object to draw everyday for 5 weeks...I chose quail sculpture I purchased from Santa Fe.  I wrote this poem/Haiku while I was lying awake in bed and then for day 3, I drew the little piece you see here.  Now I am working on a portrait...I spent 3 hours yesterday trying to get it perfect...Actually I was going to toss it because it sucks but you know...I am not going to.  I promise to post it but I want to spray it with fixative first.  I simply don't want to work on it anymore and am ready to move on.  I guess I am my own worst critic.



suzy said...

this is beautiful Kathy!!!!

Rosa Murillo said...

Very wise advice! Relax and do what works for you. The drawing is beautiful!

Lorrie Grainger Abdo said...

Doesn't suck! Practice and be kind to yourself.

Healing Woman said...

It's so hard to create under stress. I like that you are breathing and trying to relax in the midst of it all. This is precisely why I don't want to take or even give online classes..toooooo much pressure to finish in a short timeframe. I hope you print everything and plan to use it later..You have a family to consider. I think the piece you did is very, very good. You are learning a lot from Misty will happen when it is ready to.....