Monday, March 16, 2009

Slum Dog Millionaire

My husband and I finally got a break and had an entire Saturday afternoon to ourselves last Saturday. We went to see this years big academy award winner, Slum Dog Millionaire. I heard all the hype and after watching the awards, was intrigued. How could a relative bunch of unknowns hit it so big with Slum Dog. Well, after seeing this movie, I liken it to the story of David and Goliath. David was a nobody, through his faith and quiet determination, became the King of all Israel. Slum Dog had a limited release before the awards and now has been viewed by millions. The story is so timely and poignant. It transcends, it soars, and it inspires. This "little" movie touched me, made me cry for many reasons, both happy and sad tears. There is so much poverty in the world and here it was on the screen coming to me in technicolor. Thankfully the story was so much more than making me brutally aware of the dire need in India. I fell in love with the actors, Danny Boyle, and the music. Here is the official clip of my new favorite song and if you cut and paste the link below, you will see a clip of the Pussycat Doll's new release of the same song. Enjoy and please please please, go see the movie.



julie said...

I couldn't agree with you more. The movie stayed with me for many days....Really beautiful, gritty, funny, sad, heartwarming, suspenseful...Everything a good movie should be...One to see more than once...hugs,

Kathy L said...

Sounds like Slum Dog was two thumbs up for your Julie...There are not many movies that get to me but that one sure did. Thanks for the comment!

Undaunted said...

Thanks for the recommendation! I shall look out for it!

Kathy L said...


You won't regret seeing this movie..but be prepared for all those emotions....
