On a brighter note, I received two of my prizes from the One World One Heart give away event. Thank you to Elizabeth. You can see her lovely collage here:
http://alteredbooklover.blogspot.com/2009/01/one-world-one-heart-giveaway_21.html. The collage with the key in it is the one I received. Really nice! I like Elizabeth's site. She has some wonderful "how to's" on her blog. I really appreciate those instructions because I am one of those artists who will try a technique or new medium once and then forget about it. Elizabeth's blog is loaded with a variety of techniques that are great for backgrounds and collage work. In addition, I received my second prize from the Altered Pages site: http://www.alteredpages.com/. Jackie has a variety of collage sheets that will be perfect for some of the collage that I do. I especially loved all the images of windows, doors, arches, and gates. This gift certificate (of $50.00) was offered through the Collage Contessa's blog: http://www.collagecontessa.blogspot.com/. I thank you Kris for introducing me to some awesome collage sheets!
So you would think with these wonderful prizes I would be really motivated to get my act in gear. I need to get started on another piece that I wish to donate for this years Susan Komen's Walk for the Cure. Our church group, The Pink Ribbon Angels, are gearing up for another walk. This would be my third year donating to the Cure. My friend Michelle suggested a theme of faith. I have a quote I want to work around and even a thought or two in my pea brain but I can't seem to get myself motivated. I need to finish by the end of April. I have time....
Last but not least. Through the OWOH give away, I rediscovered some "old" (sorry Lorrie) art friends. And a couple of days ago, to my pleasant surprise, Lorrie gave me an award for my blog. Lorrie's bog: http://lorrieabdo.blogspot.com/, is indeed very creative. I have been an admirer for several years. She makes the most beautiful paste papers, she teaches workshops, and her work is very different. I am honored that she would think that my blog is creative. From what I understand about this blog award, the recipient should list 7 items that inspire them and then pay it forward to other bloggers. Lorrie chose three others that make her stop and stay for a while. So my 7 inspiring items are:
1. Santa Fe: I have been there over the years maybe 8 or 9 times. After arriving home from a stay there, it would take several days before I could empty my heard of all the ideas I formed. The landscape, the mountains, the people (both Native American and city dwellers, the artifacts, the archeological sites, the air, the water, Georgia O'Keefe, the art gallery scene, Canyon Road, the smells...you get the pciture...I could go on and on. If I could, I would relocate there and die with a smile on my face.
2. Great Artists: like Frida, Pablo, Rivera, Redon, Johns, Matisse, Van Gogh, Da Vinci....are but only a few whose works have inspired me to draw again.
3. Great writers like Harper Lee, Shakespear, Jane Austen, Victor Hugo, Hemingway, Tolkien, Dickens, Burnett... If only I could use words the way these authors do. Their stories can carry you away..their prose is magical.
4. Color: Lorrie mentioned that color inspires her. I love the colors in nature. The greens and soft shades of brown. I also like contrasting or shocking color combinations, like the bright red cardinal a top a redwood roof. I saw that one last Spring...I had to look twice.
5. Music: All kinds. When I am in my studio, I listen to a variety of music from Led Zepplin, to Josh Grobin and everything in between. I love Mozart and have been on a Mozart kick having just watched (for the third time) Amadeus.
6. Dance: As my readers may remember (LOL) my children dance. My most recent series of paintings revolve around ballets that my children have performed in. I will be watching a performance and all of a sudden I will see a fairly like being that will become a new mixed media piece.
7. Other bloggers: Misty Mawn, Rosa Murillo, Linda (undaunted), Kelly Rae, and so many others whose art work and words touch my soul. I wanna be just like them. No just kidding...life would be too boring if we were all alike out there in bloggers land.
Of course, seven things that inspire me really does not cut it but this award made me stop and think for a while... I try to inhale all that surrounds me...There is so much beauty. OK for my thoughts on who I would give this award to... I am thinking Rosa Murillo http://rosamurillo.squarespace.com/rosa-murillo-journal/, Undaunted http://rediscovering-art.blogspot.com/, and a newer blog that I discovered in the OWOH give away, Cetta who lives in Kauai http://cettacheese.blogspot.com/. I love Cetta's photos. Those in themselves are inspiring. She writes well too, not to mention that there is plenty of other eye candy on her blog. I hope that covers everything...Lorrie, thank you!
Hi Kathy,
It's been a while since I've been to your site, but I felt it was time to check in again. I love the piece you just did for the Classroom of Silence. I can feel your being within it and your quote that you created has so much meaning and really has me reflecting now because of it.
I'm looking forward to seeing your next piece for our Avon Walk fundraiser. I know the motivation will surely come to you, maybe when you are least expecting it. That's how it always seems to be the way. I love that you have been touched by so many others who are going through breast cancer. We women need to stay strong and support each other...part of the reason why I continue to raise money to find a cure and reach out to as many people as I can.
May your soul be filled with the creative visions you need to move forward.
Love, Michelle :)
Oh Kathy, thank you so much! I am truly honoured, especially knowing that you have looked at so many other blogs recently, being involved in the OWOH. And you still picked me! Wow. Thank you!
Would you believe my word verification is excess? Blogger must have heard about my chocolate eating habits...
Hi Kathy, Wow, now that was post! I can tell that you gave your sources of inspiration some real thought and that, in turn, has given me some things to think about as well. See, that's why you're a Kreativ Blogger! :) Specifically, I'm wishing I could go to Santa Fe.
Thanks for the kind words about my work and blog. I have enjoyed connecting with new and old friends through blogging. But, now add this Facebook/Twitter thing. Not sure I can do that too!
Looking forward to seeing what you do for the cancer walk. You can do it!
Michelle, Lorrie, and Linda, I can't take total credit for being creative...You guys have helped :)))) Thank you for all your comments but more imiportantly...thank you for your bogs, or face book accounts.
I am humbled, oh and I have actaully started my next piece for the breast cancer donation...yea, I have slathered gesso on the panel. Wohoo!
Name is Noble Thomas LaRocco Masi
Italian to and I live in North Carolina
The Masi is added on
Thank You
Well how about that, another LaRocco. As far as I know, I have no relatives in that part of the country...
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