As I work on my latest mixed media and collage painting, I thought that I would continue to document my work in progress. I actually enjoy looking at an artists work in progress because some of the layers are revealed as the creative process unfolds. The working title for this piece is "Christmas Dream." But that may change. This is very rough right now. Things are still a bit wonky (to borrow a word my friend Undaunted uses) For example: Clara's hand is off as is her arm...hopefully that can be "fixed" when I get to the crayon stage. She obviously is no where near finished. More background elements need to be added and no doubt the colors will change in the background. I also want to add more texture in Clara's dress and perhaps the background too. The picture I copied from is a photo of my Claire when she was maybe 9 years old. I drew her on a sketch pad, changing elements of her clothes. She was wearing a warm up jacket. Then I transfered my drawing using good old tracing paper. It has a resemblance. The dress Claire is wearing is the actual dress that Clara wears in the Nutcracker as performed in Woodstock, Illinois annually. I am hoping to finish her next week which will be a week before my show. I have some serious odds and ends to tie up before the show...like getting my framing supplies in order and printing out cards (title, descriptions, price, contact info) to affix under my works. I much prefer the creative process...