Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Found Art Tuesday: Twist 1-29-08

The weather has been so strange in my neck of the woods. It certainly does not help my cold. I have been down and out with this cold for about 10 days now. It just won't let go of me. Today it was 46 degrees! And in outside of 25 minutes, it was 19. I hate this weather!

My art as of these last 10 days has been dismal. I just have not felt like painting. And so when Rosa returned to the net with a new theme, I did not feel too inspired. I worked a little on my Goodwill virtues in rhyme collage. But I soon grew tired from coughing. I really was going to by pass this weeks found art when I had an A HA moment. And here you have it. I altered a purple pen and twisted fibers and wire around the barrel. There are beads on it too. So that is my contribution this week. Maybe the sunflower will brighten some one's dreary winter day :)


A Place To Bark needs your dollars well, only 10 of them!

I have been meaning to donate to this cause for some time now. I finally got through... Bernie Berlin's shelter is quickly becoming nationally known. And that is such a good thing. Anything we can do to bring attention the basic needs of our animal companions and friends is so vital. You have all heard the figures....the horror stories of abandoned and tortured pets. So many are euthanized each year, too many are killed at the hands of their owners..all innocents. If I had any wits about me..I would have donated a mixed media piece to be raffled. But alas..I am really a "nobody." I am just a someone who loves animals and wants to help, even if it is only 10 dollars.

If you can spare the 10, you will be helping to build a new shelter...And the cries of joy by our furry friends will be heard around the country. Please help... click on the badge at the right to find out more. Bernie has till the 31st of this month to earn a matching grant, a big one. Every one's ten dollars helps.

When you go to Bernie's site you will find a list of very well known artists who have donated original works etc for raffles. That is just such a nice gesture by the art community. Having rescued three greyhounds, which are my passion, I can completely relate to this noble effort. God Bless you earth angel Bernie. There are so many fur kids who will never forget you!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Back in the Studio 1-14-08

It has been a very long break. After December hit, I barely had time to catch my breath. I did try to take some time to reflect on the true Christmas. Prayer time often eludes me...I always am too tired...but each Christmas I try to speak to my Maker and thank Him for my blessings. I also try to remember my own Christmas pasts. The wonder I felt the first time I saw a large creche. The joy I felt singing Christmas carols to the Christ Child... The excitement of taking a trip to State Street in downtown Chicago to see the windows at Marshall Field's, the smells of Christmas, cookies, candy canes, and the wait...the wait for Jesus to arrive in his manger, the wait for Santa... So much joy....

The tree is down, the creche put away, the cookies gone, and now I am ready to get back to it. I finished this work at the end of November but just this past week, sealed it and framed it. This is the second in the "Virtue in Rhyme" series called "Hope in her soul." It is a mixed media and collage work on illustration board. The framed size is 8 by 10. The next work is in progress and will be called "Goodwill doth impart." The 4th and last in the series is in my head :)
I also just completed a canvas entitled "Legacy Lost." The theme is very different for me but this was something that was inside of me for a long while. There is a lot of anger in the piece. Oh and I tried a new tool recommended by Rosa:http://rosamurillo.squarespace.com/rosa-murillo-journal/2008/1/4/and-the-instrument-of-the-week-is.html#comments.
I am still getting use to this thing but I can see where I will really use it! I was so tired of gel pens clogging every 5 seconds as I tried to write on my acrylic surface. I will try to post a scan of the work later.