Monday, April 11, 2011

Ecological Ethics in our Global Society

Well the big day is almost here.  Our Paper packet project ( inspired by Seth Apter and Laura Lein-Svencner) will culminate in a themed show entitled above.  This Friday is the artist reception and it is hard to believe we are really doing this.  We (meaning 13 artists from The Studio) started this project back in late October.  And now all the altering is done, collages created, works matted and framed, details for the show worked out, and works are starting to arrive for hanging.  I am so proud of the ladies who committed to this project.  Anyway below is a write up that we will display as guests walk in.  And I would be remiss if I did not post my third work, Sedge Meadow III, in the continuing series- Claiming Sanctuary.  Finally, if you want to win that 50.00 gift certificate, you need to comment on the entry below this one.  I select a winner tonigh (at random). 


1 comment:

Lorrie Grainger Abdo said...

Have fun at the reception. Must be fun to see all the work coming "home".