I simply have not been able to put together contiguous thoughts nor meaningful ones for the past 3 months. So do you ever question why you started a blog in the first place, do you wonder if your words are worth reading, who really cares, do your talents make people want to come back and revisit your work/writings... I am in one of those periods I guess. I have never really been good at keeping this resource up to date. My priorities switch so often. Perhaps its a touch of my ADHD (really). So when I am feeling like this I try to go back to the real reason I started writing using this venue...yep...for my children who are almost young adults. I hope truly that they find this little gem one day and really peruse through the stories and artwork...maybe they won't judge me so harshly. Gosh this sounds like a pity fest. The funny thing is, I'm really OK, just a little befuddled at times.
Skulls for the Passionate Frida |
Most of my August was spent ordering, organizing, and preparing for my part of the Passionate Frida Workshop. I honestly don't know how I got through that. For four nights, I spent my time with the dancers from this ballet making props which included 24 skulls, over 200 paper flowers, decorating maracas, and teaching (not only the art part but the history of Mexico from early 1900's through Fridas death in 1954). It was so important to me that the girls and guys understood the essence of Frida, and that essence is in Mexico herself. I hope the kids learned something. In these pictures by Dan Swinson you can see two of my props. The folding screen contains a mural that was copied from one of Diego Rivera's works. Mrs. Svalander wanted her Diego to be working on a mural. And below is the cubist painting that I copied again from one of Diego's originals. This was used during the scene when Diego was painting a portrait of Christina, Frida's sister. I have to say this experience was very rewarding. It pushed me as an artists, to go where I have never gone before. By completely immersing myself in the life o
Frida, I was able to almost understand her passions, Diego, her art, and Mexico. Then when the ballet premiered, it felt almost surreal. The dancers were absolutely incredible. Because I studied Frida's life for the workshop, I could follow in depth the symbolism used in this work. It was a once in a life time opportunity.
Since Frida, I have been preoccupied with preparing mixed media classes for the Studio School of Art. I also took an on-line workshop with the Fabulous Katie Kendrick which was relaxing and freeing. Because Frida was so much on my mind, during Katie's class, I started a collage which is all about Frida. I started it in September and it is still waiting for me to finish :) My ADHD has gotten the better of me and I am now working on several projects at once getting no where. I have two workshops coming up..... Oh and its Nutcracker Season. Colin and Claire are in the thick of it...They still do not have a license and I'm still driving...
I'm going to leave my entry at that...I read some of my back logged favorite blogs today. So glad to see beautiful art... k
first of all- your art work is exciting and beautiful- and you certainly are doing above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to art. You also are very fornuate to have 2 talented children who seem to be very sucessful in their dance! Proud Mama!
I love looking at your collages. keep up the great and I mean GREAT work!
Linda Gilbert
Your Frida production had to be fantastic. Love the art you created. Your children will look back and remember what a "saint" you were too. I also like to think that one day, my children and grandchildren will appreciate my life as seen through the eyes of my blog. Keep writing Kathy!
Well done carry on.
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